Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some of my favorite Scripture

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move and have our being.
Acts 17:24-28a

Ignored by the world but RECOGNIZED by God; terrifically ALIVE though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives but refusing to die; immersed in tears,yet always filled with DEEP JOY; poor yet making many RICH, having nothing and yet possessing EVERYTHING.
2 Corinthians 6:9-10


Jeffery said...

This reminded me of a time you sent like a mass email or something that was similar to this. Like it was just pretty much scripture. It was Habakkuk 3:17-19, and was pretty much the perfect passage at the perfect time. So I put in on my computer desktop for like a year.

Karen said...

That's cool. I don't think I even remember sending that email, but I do remember loving that verse.